The need to be environmentally conscious is more important than ever. Fortunately, people are waking up to the fact that going a bit greener doesn’t have to be difficult-especially around the home. Being eco-friendly can save you money too. Here are 10 simple steps you can take to be greener and more energy efficient around the home.
1. Replace Your Light Bulbs
Ok, energy-efficient light bulbs are nothing new but finally they’re starting to grow in popularity. And for good reason: they’re an easy way to save energy and last a lot longer than regular ones. If you’re thinking of taking steps to transforming your home then energy-efficient bulbs are a good place to start.
2. Install a Smart Meter
Leaving your heating on during the chilly winter months is a common way to burn needless energy and waste money. A good solution is to install a smart meter. You can program a smart meter to only turn on at certain times of the day so energy is never wasted. For example, to come on first thing in the morning for an hour or so before you get out of bed. Smart meters really are one of the best ways to becoming a more environmentally friendly household.
3. Install Solar Panels
Solar panels are popping up more frequently on homes around the UK. Unlike changing a few lightbulbs, solar panels are a long-term investment but the reward is clean electricity and an eco-friendlier home.
4. Buy Recycled
There was a time when you couldn’t buy recycled products anywhere. Thankfully, they now sit alongside normal products on the supermarket shelves. From toilet tissue to clothing, there’s never been a better time to buy recycled goods.
5. Insulate
Investing in insulation is a great way to cut down on energy consumption and save money. That’s because insulation holds in the heat so your house stay warm for longer. There are plenty of spots around the home which can be insulated, including your loft, floors or windows if you get double glazing.
6. Use Greener Cleaners
Standard cleaning products are choc-full of harsh chemicals which are no good for the environment. Consider throwing them in the bin and instead stock up on gentler, more natural alternatives. Like recycling products, there’s a huge range of natural cleaners at your local supermarket so there’s plenty to choose from.
7. Look Up Your Area’s Recycling Rules
We know recycling isn’t easy with a seemingly endless array of multi-coloured bins and storage containers to put your different kinds of rubbish. It’s all too easy too simply shrug and toss all your rubbish in one big sack. Look at your Council’s local website for the rules around recycling and make your life a teeny bit easier.
8. Wash At 30C
Washing at 30C is perfectly acceptable for lightly soiled clothes and uses 40% less electricity a year than if you wash at a higher temperature.
9. Go Meatless For a Day
Eating less meat can reduce your carbon footprint as cattle produces large amounts of greenhouse gases. Even ditching the beef for just one day a week can have a big impact on the environment.
10. Save Water
Whether its fixing your leaks, taking shorter showers or turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, there are plenty of ways to save water and be a bit more eco-friendly.